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Mother and Father, Prevent Children from the Danger of Drugs in this Way

The rise of news about drug use makes many parents feel worried. To prevent children from falling into the dangers of drugs, it requires the participation of all parties, especially parents. Come, Mother and Father, know how to protect children from the bondage of drugs! Drug use (narcotics and illegal drugs) can bring many bad effects for children, ranging from an increased risk of heart disease, damage to organs, such as the liver and kidneys, even schizophrenia. In addition, if left unchecked, drugs will also damage various aspects of a child's life, including interest in learning and schooling.

Various Ways to Prevent Children from Avoiding Drugs

Ideally, providing education to children about the dangers of drugs can be done early, namely when children sit in elementary school. Sufficient knowledge of this can prevent children from falling into promiscuity and the dangers of drugs. Some ways that Mother and Father can do to give an introduction about drugs are:

1. Find the right moment

Determine the right moment and time to teach children about the dangers of drugs. Free time after dinner or when children are seen relaxing can be used to provide education about drug abuse. In addition, Mother and Father can also discuss how dangerous drug abuse is when drug cases are broadcast on television or social media, or when they see a group of children and teenagers who are smoking and drinking.

2. Give information about the dangers of drugs

In addition to determining the right moment, Mother and Father also need to provide adequate information about the dangers of drug abuse. The information can be started from what is drugs, how the spread of drugs which is currently very fast, as well as what are the dangers of drugs and their impact on body health. Mothers and fathers can also give examples of the negative effects that can occur on drug users, such as impaired appearance, health problems, reduced sports ability, and decreased learning achievement. We recommend having a two-way discussion. Keep giving children the opportunity to express their opinions and ask questions that still make them confused.

3. Discuss ways to refuse drugs

Another thing that is no less important to teach is positive relationships with friends and how to refuse drugs. Teach how to make good friends and what a good friend looks like, and direct the child to join a positive community. There are two important things that Mother and Father must teach the child. First, teach children to always be wise in hanging out and making friends. Friends can be with anyone, but recognize the limits of associating and always be vigilant with the environment of friendship, especially those that are still new. Second, teach children to dare to say "no", "sorry I do not use drugs", or "no, my parents will be very angry" when someone offers drugs. Also tell the child to leave the community as much as possible.

4. Demonstrate good habits

In addition to providing knowledge about the dangers of drugs and how to stay away from drugs, Mother and Father also need to give examples in the form of behavior, for example as much as possible not to use drugs without a doctor's examination, and not smoking or consuming alcohol in front of children, let alone using drugs. This is important because children are more likely to copy the behavior of their parents.

5. Build the child's confidence

Even though it looks simple, building a child's confidence is no less important. Children who have self-confidence generally can better determine attitudes when there are invitations or persuasions to take actions that are not good, including when there are invitations to use drugs. Mother and Father can build a child's confidence in several ways, such as trusting the child, praising the child if he managed to achieve an achievement, and avoiding words that are dropped. To get closer to the relationship and bond with the child, as much as possible spend more time with him. Do not forget to often say that Mother and Father love her, yes.

6. Teach children to manage stress the right way

Mother and Father can also teach children positive ways to manage stress or the problems they face. Reassure children that all problems can be overcome, and that drugs or negative behaviors are not solutions to solve problems but can instead lead to new problems. Give the child confidence that Mother and Father are always there for him. So, he doesn't need to hesitate to lean on and tell stories if he has a problem. Teach children to fill time with positive activities, such as exercising, doing hobbies, or doing extracurricular activities. A well-spent time can reduce the risk of children getting along wrong and falling into negative things, including drug abuse.

7. Make strict rules about drugs

Strictly say that drugs are prohibited in the family. If necessary, make special rules to prevent it. Don't forget, when making certain rules, parents also have to give examples. This is because parents are role models who have a very big influence on children's mental development and life. Use the above methods to prevent children from falling into danger of drug abuse. If necessary, Mother and Father can consult with a doctor or psychologist about the right way to prevent children from falling into the dangers of drugs.


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